//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Problem Statement: ------------------- Given two strings string_x and string_y, find the effort required to convert string_x into string_y. Definition of Effort Required : Number of characters which needs to be ADDED or DELETED from string_x inorder to convert string_x into string_y. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----- file: stringconversioneffort.c ------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* //Function: int find_effort(char *string_x, char *string_y, int *char_to_be_added, int *char_to_be_deleted) //Parameters: [in]string_x : source string to be converted [in]string_y : destination string to which source string needs to be converted [out]char_to_be_added : number of characters which needs to be added in source string. [out]char_to_be_deleted : number of characters which needs to be deleted in source string. //Return-Value: total effort required */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- int find_effort(char *string_x, char *string_y, int *char_to_be_added, int *char_to_be_deleted) { int i, j; int length_x = strlen(string_x); int length_y = strlen(string_y); int total_effort = -1; if( (length_x == 0) && (length_y != 0) ) { (*char_to_be_added) = length_y; (*char_to_be_deleted) = 0; total_effort = (*char_to_be_added) + (*char_to_be_deleted); return total_effort; } else if( (length_x != 0) && (length_y == 0) ) { (*char_to_be_added) = 0; (*char_to_be_deleted) = length_x; total_effort = (*char_to_be_added) + (*char_to_be_deleted); return total_effort; } else if( (length_x == 0) && (length_y == 0) ) { (*char_to_be_added) = 0; (*char_to_be_deleted) = 0; total_effort = (*char_to_be_added) + (*char_to_be_deleted); return total_effort; } int **c = NULL; c = (int**) malloc ((length_x + 1) * sizeof(int*)); for(i = 0; i <= length_x; ++i) { c[i] = (int*) malloc ((length_y + 1) * sizeof(int)); memset(c[i], 0, (length_y + 1)); } for(i = 1; i <= length_x; ++i) { for(j = 1; j <= length_y; ++j) { if(string_x[i-1] == string_y[j-1]) { c[i][j] = c[i-1][j-1] + 1; } else if(c[i-1][j] >= c[i][j-1]) { c[i][j] = c[i-1][j]; } else { c[i][j] = c[i][j-1]; } } } for(i = 0; i <= length_x; ++i) { free(c[i]); } free(c); (*char_to_be_added) = length_y - c[length_x][length_y]; (*char_to_be_deleted) = length_x - c[length_x][length_y]; total_effort = (*char_to_be_added) + (*char_to_be_deleted); return total_effort; } void print_result(char *string_x, char *string_y, int total_effort, int char_to_be_added, int char_to_be_deleted) { printf("Effort Required to convert \n\"%s\" into\n\"%s\"\ntotal_effort = %d\ncharacters to be added = %d\ncharacters to be deleted = %d\n", string_x, string_y, total_effort, char_to_be_added, char_to_be_deleted); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc != 3) { printf("ERROR\nbinary USAGE: [binary_path] [string_x] [string_y]\n"); return 0; } char string_x[1024]; char string_y[1024]; int total_effort = 0; int char_to_be_added = 0; int char_to_be_deleted = 0; strcpy(string_x, argv[1]); strcpy(string_y, argv[2]); total_effort = find_effort(string_x, string_y, &char_to_be_added, &char_to_be_deleted); print_result(string_x, string_y, total_effort, char_to_be_added, char_to_be_deleted); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----- file: stringconversioneffort.c ------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- [stringconversioneffort]$ gcc -o sce stringconversioneffort.c //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Outputs: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- [stringconversioneffort]$ ./sce abcd abcde Effort Required to convert "abcd" into "abcde" total_effort = 1 characters to be added = 1 characters to be deleted = 0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- [stringconversioneffort]$ ./sce abcde abc Effort Required to convert "abcde" into "abc" total_effort = 2 characters to be added = 0 characters to be deleted = 2 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- [stringconversioneffort]$ ./sce a1b2c3 ac Effort Required to convert "a1b2c3" into "ac" total_effort = 4 characters to be added = 0 characters to be deleted = 4 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- [stringconversioneffort]$ ./sce agd 4e Effort Required to convert "agd" into "4e" total_effort = 5 characters to be added = 2 characters to be deleted = 3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Logic used: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concept of Longest Common Subsequence [LCS] is used to solve the problem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_common_subsequence_problem The value c[length_x][length_y] in above function stores length of LCS of string_x and string_y. This LCS length helps in finding the effort required. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Friday, November 22, 2013
Effort estimation for converting one character string to another.
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