Monday, March 12, 2012

Substring Matching Algorithm : BMH

problem :
- find all occurrences of a provided pattern(sub-string) in a given text. 
input :
- unsigned char* text : the text string to be searched.
- int n : length of text string.
- unsigned char* pattern : the pattern(sub-string) to be searched in the text.        
- int m : length of pattern.
output :
- all position within text from where the pattern can be found.
constraints :
- for each element or letter 't' of text : 0 <= t <= 254.
- for each element or letter 'p' of pattern : 0 <= p <= 254.
- text of pattern cannot contain any letter or element with value 255. 
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>


void boyer_moore_horspool(unsigned char* text, int n, unsigned char* pattern, int m)
 int d[MAX_ALPHABET_SIZE], i, j, k, lim;

 // Preprocessing
 for(k = 0; k < MAX_ALPHABET_SIZE; ++k) 
  d[k] = m; 

 for(k = 0; k < m; ++k )
  d[pattern[k]] = m - k;

 // To avoid having code

 lim = n - m;

 // Searching
 for(k = 0; k <= lim; k += d[text[k + m]]) 
  i = k;
  j = 0;
  while(text[i] == pattern[j])

  if(j == m)
   cout << "pattern found in text at position : " << k << endl;
   if( (k + (m<<1)) >= n)

solution :
- complexity : 
average case = O(n) , O(length of text, n).
worst case = O(nm), O([length of text:n]*[length of pattern:m]). 

void main()
 char pattern[] = "ABCD";
 boyer_moore_horspool(text, strlen(text), pattern, strlen(pattern));


output :
pattern found in text at position : 5
pattern found in text at position : 11
pattern found in text at position : 15
Have used the above code from the following link :
Boyer-Moore-Horspool Algorithm

Friday, March 9, 2012

Substring Matching Algorithm : KMP

Here is the link to a good algorithm for finding all occurrences
of a sub-string(or pattern) in a given text(or string).

Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm.